September 19, 2012

The Lobbyists

Click here (AIPAC) to visit the official website of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a very influential political lobbying organization...

Notice what's included under the 'Why Israel Matters' section... your thoughts/observations about the contents and tones of the video? of the writing?

Also, click here (Jstreet) for a more recently founded Israeli lobby, with a notably different approach...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's absolutely no mention of the fact that for a while, this land was the home to Arabs. There's SO much to comment on here, but mainly the problem I have with this site is the complete and total bias. It's hard to talk about Israel/Palestine without any bias, but there are almost no unbiased accounts of the conflict out there. Americans, especially, don't get any insight into the Palestinian narrative. We grew up looking at the map, believing the whole thing was Israel. The truth is a lot more complicated, and we should be taught what it is.