October 1, 2012

Elephant in the Room?

Click here (WallStreetJournal) to read an opinion piece by Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Middle East policy...

What does Romney say (and not say) with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? How does this compare/contrast with what President Obama said (and did not say) at the United Nations last week? (see Sept 25th, below)?


Ben said...

Si vis pacem, para bellum
‘If you want peace, surrender!
—Scipio Africanus

Romney, according to some poll, is way behind on the “likability” factor. He seems to have a problem getting people to “like” him. Bob Dole, who seemed to be competent in all respects and also had a WW2 heroes resume, was not particularly likable and lost the election to Clinton, who was likable. Obama, on the other hand, is manifestly likable; no one denies that. The only people who don’t like him are conservative republicans, and they as everybody knows, are not likable at all. They are mean, stingy, cruel to widows and orphans, and racist. Presently (and for a long time) they are waging war on women, standing between Sandra Fluke and her very own body. Oh! I forgot to mention–the republicans are Islamaphobic too. They refuse to see that Jihad is a spiritual struggle for perfection and self-control, and that Islamists only cut off other people’s heads or murder American ambassadors when they are they are provoked by the incorrigibility of the infidels.

Now Romney has really screwed up the Middle East and has put America in danger once again. In disagreeing with the Dear Leader, he has only encouraged the real culprits and abettors of violence in the region–fundamentalist evangelical pastors, Danish cartoonists and amateur cinematologists. While Obama really and truly wanted to make friends with the Moslem Brotherhood because, being a citizen of the world, he understands their pain, Romney doesn’t because he prefers war over peace, strife over international cooperation, war profiteering over the lives of our service men and women. Romney only cares about his hundreds of millions of dollars stashed away in some secret account on the Cayman Islands.

Everybody knows that the Wall Street Journal is biased towards people like Romney, the kind of people who have a lot of money to invest and are able to buy elections. Obviously the Israel lobby is behind this. No other reputable magazine or newspaper, NPR, for example, would stoop to publish such stilted nonsense in a blatant attempt to rouse the mobs of angry people who turn to god and guns in their frustration and ignorance. They are more to be pitied than loathed, these Americans.

Romney and his ilk of republicans misrepresent the fedayeen freedom fighters and their motives, implying they are not just like us, that is, denying their humanity and genuine desire for peace. He suggests that they don’t want democracy, prosperity, freedom, constitutional government and two car garages, but instead are ruled by hate for us and fear of retribution. He seems to believe that should model the behavior of the Zionist entity, which has reverted to the primitive code of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth in their relationship with other nations, thereby adding to the spiral of violence. This is just one more reason why we need to protect the public by instituting blasphemy laws and enforcing them strictly. Who are we to judge?

Dr. Paul Korchin said...

It is telling how USA Presidents (and presidential candidates) almost inevitably get sucked into the political maelstrom that is the Middle East. Obama's policy aspirations voiced in Cairo now seem like a distant memory. What will his... or President Romney's... look like four years from now??
